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Factores emocionales en el diseño y la ejecución de videojuegos y su valor formativo en la sociedad digital: : el caso de los videojuegos bélicos

por MARCANO LÁREZ, Beatriz Elena

ISBN: 9788490123980

Ludic human activities are cultural products influenced by thedominant
technological development. Videogames, as techno-culturalproducts of a
knowledge society, offer virtual scenarios for thedevelopment of ludic
activities. Graphic elements induce in the playera great source of emotional
stimulation, and for this reason they are given the name of "design emotional
elements". These assure the players engagement in the game. On the other
hand, videogames in war environments have been highly criticized for their
possible negative effects, but simultaneosly these games are in great demand
among online players. Former studies have shown their effects on learning.
From the obtained results we can highlight that what was more attractive to
players were the graphic aspects and the playability of the game, although the most valued was the possibility of social interactions with friends and
acquaintances and the mutual support displayed among the team mates.
Differential motivations were found according to the students background and
age. The formative effect of game playing appears to be the development of socioemotional as well as digital competences.
Some key ideas are presented as a way of showing the importance of the valorization of Human Rights (an universal ethos of great acceptance and diffusion in the community of the nations), such as considering that men¿s existence with dignity on earth is conditioned by Human Rights, either the civil and political rights or the economic, social and cultural ones, and, specially, the Third Dimension Rights: the right to a healthy environment, universal peace and the development of the individual and the populations.
For the effective realization of those human rights, the participation of all people, not only the Government, but the society in general, is mandatory. Therefore, the conclusion is that the Judiciary role of protecting theses rights is crucial as an instrument of effectiveness guaranty of theses human rights.

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Ludic human activities are cultural products influenced by thedominant
technological development. Videogames, as techno-culturalproducts of a
knowledge society, offer virtual scenarios for thedevelopment of ludic
activities. Graphic elements induce in the playera great source of emotional
stimulation, and for this reason they are given the name of "design emotional
elements". These assure the players engagement in the game. On the other
hand, videogames in war environments have been highly criticized for their
possible negative effects, but simultaneosly these games are in great demand
among online players. Former studies have shown their effects on learning.
From the obtained results we can highlight that what was more attractive to
players were the graphic aspects and the playability of the game, although the most valued was the possibility of social interactions with friends and
acquaintances and the mutual support displayed among the team mates.
Differential motivations were found according to the students background and
age. The formative effect of game playing appears to be the development of socioemotional as well as digital competences.
Some key ideas are presented as a way of showing the importance of the valorization of Human Rights (an universal ethos of great acceptance and diffusion in the community of the nations), such as considering that men¿s existence with dignity on earth is conditioned by Human Rights, either the civil and political rights or the economic, social and cultural ones, and, specially, the Third Dimension Rights: the right to a healthy environment, universal peace and the development of the individual and the populations.
For the effective realization of those human rights, the participation of all people, not only the Government, but the society in general, is mandatory. Therefore, the conclusion is that the Judiciary role of protecting theses rights is crucial as an instrument of effectiveness guaranty of theses human rights.

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  • Tamaño: 7.038 Kb.
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