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Dimensiones histórico-sociológicas de la tortura en comisarías de Brasil : el caso de Pernambuco


ISBN: 9788490124598

This work starts from the fact that torture is a common and frequent practice in brazilian Police units, and it will probably remain the same for a long time, independent of treaties and commitments related to human rights Brazil signs, This happens because brazilian society does not investigate properly nor the causes neither the effects of torture practice.
Among the reasons used to justify its practice is the fact that torture is, besides offensive to basic human rights, is considered by police officers a kind of «investigation technique», endowed with a certain grade of «efficiency» in crime solving and as source of professional credit. Both reasons foster the continuity of the practice.
We will try to offer new information about the discussion driving our investigation towards the comprehension of what brings police officers to use torture as an usual method and why is it so difficult to leave it behind.

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This work starts from the fact that torture is a common and frequent practice in brazilian Police units, and it will probably remain the same for a long time, independent of treaties and commitments related to human rights Brazil signs, This happens because brazilian society does not investigate properly nor the causes neither the effects of torture practice.
Among the reasons used to justify its practice is the fact that torture is, besides offensive to basic human rights, is considered by police officers a kind of «investigation technique», endowed with a certain grade of «efficiency» in crime solving and as source of professional credit. Both reasons foster the continuity of the practice.
We will try to offer new information about the discussion driving our investigation towards the comprehension of what brings police officers to use torture as an usual method and why is it so difficult to leave it behind.

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  • Tamaño: 5.337 Kb.
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