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Manual de control estadístico de calidad: teoría y aplicaciones

por Juan Verdoy, Pablo et. al.

ISBN: 9788415443858

Quality is nowadays defined as the total satisfaction of every part of the society¿s fabric. Companies have now incorporated quality policies, not only for the prestige that an award of a quality brand grants, but also for the great economic benefits that investment in quality matters brings about. In the first place, the purpose of this book is to serve as a practical example for statistic theories. It is also a reference book for companies that bid for quality, and finally, it is a textbook for quality control subjects taught in vocational modules.

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  • Tamaño: 13.959 Kb.

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Quality is nowadays defined as the total satisfaction of every part of the society¿s fabric. Companies have now incorporated quality policies, not only for the prestige that an award of a quality brand grants, but also for the great economic benefits that investment in quality matters brings about. In the first place, the purpose of this book is to serve as a practical example for statistic theories. It is also a reference book for companies that bid for quality, and finally, it is a textbook for quality control subjects taught in vocational modules.

  • Formato: PDF
  • Tamaño: 13.959 Kb.
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