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La impugnación de la paternidad matrimonial

por Cordero Cutillas, Iciar

ISBN: 9788415443483

Investigation about paternity has acquired a great importance in our society. The present work analyses this question from a legal, doctrinal and jurisprudence perspective, trying to find whether it is possible to refute the paternity once the legal link is constituted. This interest and importance is not only scientific but also practical, as it is the first study whose conclusions assume new interpretations from the norm.

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Investigation about paternity has acquired a great importance in our society. The present work analyses this question from a legal, doctrinal and jurisprudence perspective, trying to find whether it is possible to refute the paternity once the legal link is constituted. This interest and importance is not only scientific but also practical, as it is the first study whose conclusions assume new interpretations from the norm.

  • Formato: PDF
  • Tamaño: 5.809 Kb.
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