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Voces proféticas: relatos de escritoras estadounidenses de entresiglos (XIX-XX)

por Manuel Cuenca, Carme

ISBN: 9788415443797

An it cured selection of nine north-American authors that embrace an as chronologic as racial spectrum: Harper and dunbar-Nelson are afroamericanos, Sui Without Far is asiaticoamericano, Zitkala-Sä is India American and the remainder are white: Davis, Chopin, Gilman, Wharton i Cather are presented in this work. An approximation to its biografias frames these stories espontaneos and at the same time sophisticated that are faced open or slily with challenges that even today continue in force.

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An it cured selection of nine north-American authors that embrace an as chronologic as racial spectrum: Harper and dunbar-Nelson are afroamericanos, Sui Without Far is asiaticoamericano, Zitkala-Sä is India American and the remainder are white: Davis, Chopin, Gilman, Wharton i Cather are presented in this work. An approximation to its biografias frames these stories espontaneos and at the same time sophisticated that are faced open or slily with challenges that even today continue in force.

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  • Tamaño: 15.548 Kb.
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