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Proposta teórico-metodológica para análise de inserções parentéticas em chat educacional no ensino de língua espanhola

por BARBOSA PAIVA, Crisciene Lara

ISBN: 9788490125090

The aim of this thesis is to present a theoretical and methodological approach for analysis of parenthetical insertions in written texts – applicable to written texts – from theoretical and analytical grounds of Textual-Interactive Grammar (TIG), considering an educational chat written in Spanish as a foreign language as a written corpus. For this, we first elaborated and defined a Unit of Analysis and a Criterion of Selection, Identification, Delimitation and Recognition of parenthetical insertion. Later, we carried out a parenthetical analysis – in the same corpus – in a Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) method, regarding to foreign language teaching-learning process – more specifically, in an educational chat to teach Spanish to Brazilians. The parenthetical insertions were described and analysed in educational chat sessions of a Spanish course for specific purposes „Spanish for Tourism‟ (SFT), totally taught online, without audio and videos features. These educational chat sessions were in real time (synchronous), being essentially developed in written Spanish by Brazilian participants. Moreover, as a development from the thesis itself, we established a definition of a chat type considered mostly as „general‟, named General Chat, and a concept of Educational Chat. This thesis specifically: (a) Define a Unit of Analysis, a discursive unit to analyse parenthetical insertions not only in the corpus but also applicable to other written texts; (b) Define a Criterion of Selection, Identification, Delimitation and Recognition of parenthetical insertions in the corpus and other written texts; (c) Once items (a) and (b) were completed, we examined parenthetical insertions applying the Unit of Analysis and Criterion of Selection. Also, these parenthetical expressions were analysed according to the segmentation proposed by Delomier and Morel (1986), and some concepts by Jubran (2006b); (d) We interpreted the results; (e) We proposed a theoretical-methodological approach for parenthetical insertions applicable to written texts, whose proposal contemplates other processes or stages of analysis: i) Unit of Analysis for parenthetical insertions studies; ii) Criteria for Selection, Identification, Delimitation and Recognition of parenthetical expressions; iii) Conceptual definition of parenthetical insertion. It is important that items (i), (ii), (iii) were formulated for an analysis of parenthetical expressions in written texts (texts in written form/applicable to written texts).

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The aim of this thesis is to present a theoretical and methodological approach for analysis of parenthetical insertions in written texts – applicable to written texts – from theoretical and analytical grounds of Textual-Interactive Grammar (TIG), considering an educational chat written in Spanish as a foreign language as a written corpus. For this, we first elaborated and defined a Unit of Analysis and a Criterion of Selection, Identification, Delimitation and Recognition of parenthetical insertion. Later, we carried out a parenthetical analysis – in the same corpus – in a Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) method, regarding to foreign language teaching-learning process – more specifically, in an educational chat to teach Spanish to Brazilians. The parenthetical insertions were described and analysed in educational chat sessions of a Spanish course for specific purposes „Spanish for Tourism‟ (SFT), totally taught online, without audio and videos features. These educational chat sessions were in real time (synchronous), being essentially developed in written Spanish by Brazilian participants. Moreover, as a development from the thesis itself, we established a definition of a chat type considered mostly as „general‟, named General Chat, and a concept of Educational Chat. This thesis specifically: (a) Define a Unit of Analysis, a discursive unit to analyse parenthetical insertions not only in the corpus but also applicable to other written texts; (b) Define a Criterion of Selection, Identification, Delimitation and Recognition of parenthetical insertions in the corpus and other written texts; (c) Once items (a) and (b) were completed, we examined parenthetical insertions applying the Unit of Analysis and Criterion of Selection. Also, these parenthetical expressions were analysed according to the segmentation proposed by Delomier and Morel (1986), and some concepts by Jubran (2006b); (d) We interpreted the results; (e) We proposed a theoretical-methodological approach for parenthetical insertions applicable to written texts, whose proposal contemplates other processes or stages of analysis: i) Unit of Analysis for parenthetical insertions studies; ii) Criteria for Selection, Identification, Delimitation and Recognition of parenthetical expressions; iii) Conceptual definition of parenthetical insertion. It is important that items (i), (ii), (iii) were formulated for an analysis of parenthetical expressions in written texts (texts in written form/applicable to written texts).

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