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Funciones ejecutivas, rasgos de personalidad y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias de la Salud


ISBN: 9788490126417

Several investigations have been studying executive functions, academic achievement and personality traits in students. However, the mayority of the studies does not clarify exactly the link between these three constructs, specifically among university students. We aim to study and deeply analyze the relationship between executive functions, Big Five personality traits and academic achievement on four common subjects in one hundred students of Medicina, Pharmacy and

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Several investigations have been studying executive functions, academic achievement and personality traits in students. However, the mayority of the studies does not clarify exactly the link between these three constructs, specifically among university students. We aim to study and deeply analyze the relationship between executive functions, Big Five personality traits and academic achievement on four common subjects in one hundred students of Medicina, Pharmacy and

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