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A pedagogia de freire e freinet e a prática dos direitos humanos. : Uma contribuição para as comunidades indígena e quilombola da cidade de aquiraz-brasil.


ISBN: 9788490128107

The main objective of this research was to analyze the situation of schools located in the indigenous and quilombola communities of Aquiraz-Brazil, verifying the existence of Freirean ideas and Freinetian techniques, adapting them to a pedagogical practice that equates the educational community of these schools with a post-ethnic society. We proposed to modernize the education for citizenship, with the articulation of the sociocultural contexts and the environments in which these schools are situated, with the promotion of a culture of the Human Rights, of the entrepreneurship and cooperation, and thus, motivating them to a better quality of life. The main ideas of our work were to verify wether the proposals of Paulo Freire, the Freinet techniques, the quilombola and the indigenous education attend or not the perspective of an education with these characteristics, developing attitudes and competences for students, teachers and school employees, satisfying the needs of the communities investigated; and if the concepts of overculturality and codesarrollo are tools that allow the dissemination of educational practices that provide a development. In order to fulfill this objective, we carried out an ethnographic-ethnological, comparative, descriptive, predominantly qualitative research, for a better analysis of the studied realities through actions and objectives, but following the international trend of favors the fusion of qualitative and quantitative approaches as a methodological resource, we used the bibliographic and documentary research of an exploratory character, descriptive, mainly analytical, of works of the two educators and the followers of their methods and techniques, besides the application of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The research revealed us that the primary concern of schools is still to replicate a model of "scholasticism", where theories are not realized in practice. Although this is not a modernization that happens from one day to the next, this vision recognizes the success of the Freinet techniques in the twentieth century in Spain (Las Hurdes), articulated with principles such as autonomy, cooperation and work that are necessary for the effecting of Human Rights, can be favourable in the context of the investigated schools. We adopted the humanistic thinking of Paulo Freire and Celestin Freinet, that reveals a hope of the Popular Education will reassume its role as a critical pedagogy with proposals related to the different specificities of the social movements and organizations, in our case, specifically, indigenous and quilombolas. who, being able of pursuit they own satisfaction can be whatever they want.

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The main objective of this research was to analyze the situation of schools located in the indigenous and quilombola communities of Aquiraz-Brazil, verifying the existence of Freirean ideas and Freinetian techniques, adapting them to a pedagogical practice that equates the educational community of these schools with a post-ethnic society. We proposed to modernize the education for citizenship, with the articulation of the sociocultural contexts and the environments in which these schools are situated, with the promotion of a culture of the Human Rights, of the entrepreneurship and cooperation, and thus, motivating them to a better quality of life. The main ideas of our work were to verify wether the proposals of Paulo Freire, the Freinet techniques, the quilombola and the indigenous education attend or not the perspective of an education with these characteristics, developing attitudes and competences for students, teachers and school employees, satisfying the needs of the communities investigated; and if the concepts of overculturality and codesarrollo are tools that allow the dissemination of educational practices that provide a development. In order to fulfill this objective, we carried out an ethnographic-ethnological, comparative, descriptive, predominantly qualitative research, for a better analysis of the studied realities through actions and objectives, but following the international trend of favors the fusion of qualitative and quantitative approaches as a methodological resource, we used the bibliographic and documentary research of an exploratory character, descriptive, mainly analytical, of works of the two educators and the followers of their methods and techniques, besides the application of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The research revealed us that the primary concern of schools is still to replicate a model of "scholasticism", where theories are not realized in practice. Although this is not a modernization that happens from one day to the next, this vision recognizes the success of the Freinet techniques in the twentieth century in Spain (Las Hurdes), articulated with principles such as autonomy, cooperation and work that are necessary for the effecting of Human Rights, can be favourable in the context of the investigated schools. We adopted the humanistic thinking of Paulo Freire and Celestin Freinet, that reveals a hope of the Popular Education will reassume its role as a critical pedagogy with proposals related to the different specificities of the social movements and organizations, in our case, specifically, indigenous and quilombolas. who, being able of pursuit they own satisfaction can be whatever they want.

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